The Beginner’s Guide to a Hearty Vegetable Garden

If you’re interested in starting your own vegetable garden, there are a few key tips to ensure you grow hearty, healthy plants. With the relatively short growing season in Ontario, careful planning and preparation is important. Here are some things to keep in mind as a new (or seasoned) gardener.

  1. Location, Location, Location

    Vegetables need sun and space to thrive. Choose a spot in your yard that gets at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day, making sure your garden is away from large trees and shrubs that could block the sunlight. Allocate space between your vegetables and your other plants as well. Overcrowded plants can result in lower yield and encourage diseases, so make sure they have room to breathe and grow.

  2. Prep Your Soil

    A good garden starts with the soil, and vegetables grow best in nutrient-rich, well-drained soil. If you have heavy clay or sandy soil, add in compost or organic matter like aged manure to improve texture. You want soft, loose soil that retains moisture but allows excess water to drain.

  3. Choose the Right Vegetables

    Some of the best vegetables to grow in this climate are root crops like potatoes, carrots, beets and onions, that can handle cooler soil temperatures. Beans, tomatoes, peppers, spinach, Swiss chard and kale also grow well in Ontario summers, even with a mid-to-late summer harvest. Opt for disease-resistant varieties whenever possible.

  4. Use Row Covers

    Protect your plants from cooler weather by covering them with fabric row covers. This helps to trap the heat, and then you can use plastic mulch to insulate soil and retain moisture. These tactics have the ability to extend the short growing season on both ends.

  5. Water Consistently

    Vegetables need about 1-2 inches of water per week from rain or irrigation. Install drip irrigation or use a sprinkler system to supplement the time between rainfalls. Make sure to water early in the morning to reduce evaporation loss and mulch around plants to retain moisture in soil.

With proper planning and care, new gardeners can enjoy a successful harvest of tasty, nutritious vegetables grown right in your backyard. You can start your own vegetable garden in a new Rosehaven home, built to a higher standard. View our now open and upcoming communities for more information.